Home » Pokémon » 【ワンパン最速】色違いオノノクスレイド自動配布!【ポケモンSV】#7


by Pokemon Charts




  推奨Lv.100 努力値振り
2.1ターン目は アシッドボム or うそなき をうってください。
3.2ターン目以降は、アシッドボム or うそなき or てだすけ or いけドン などでサポートをお願いします。
  ※相手ポケモンがバリアを貼った場合、うそなき が無効化されてしまうため、うたないようにお願いします。
4.私のポケモンは めいそう → イナズマドライブ をうちつづけます。



Thank you for watching.
Please read the overview below before participating.
We are distributing raids fully automatically.
In order for everyone to participate comfortably,
We would appreciate it if you could follow the rules and participate.

[Participation conditions]
1. No condition
(If you don’t mind, I would be happy if you could subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating.)
2. Please refrain from participating continuously.
(This is so that as many people as possible can enjoy participating.)

【way to participate】
1. Connect online.
2. Enter the “password” in Terra Raid on the Pokeportal.
3. If you are able to participate in the raid,
 we would appreciate it if you could press “Ready” as soon as possible.

[Standing around]
1. Designated Pokemon: Highly durable support Pokemon such as Harabari and Blackie
Recommended Lv.100 Effort value distribution
  *Please refrain from using Pokemon that you cannot handle as it may cause trouble to other people.
2. On the first turn, use Acid Bomb or Uso Naki.
3. From the second turn onwards, please support with Acid Bomb, Uso Naki, Tedasuke, Ikedon, etc.
*If your opponent’s Pokemon puts up a barrier, Uso-naki will be invalidated, so please do not sing it.
4. My Pokemon continues to use Lightning Drive.

*If the HP is in danger, please take action to protect lives, such as leaving it unattended.
If you don’t take action, your opponent won’t attack either, so you can survive by leaving them alone.
I think your chances of clearing the stage will increase if you prioritize actions that won’t get you defeated.

I can’t use a basic microphone because I hear everyday noises.
I think there are some things I can’t do because I’m not used to streaming.
Please be aware of this in advance.

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