Home » Pokémon » 【ゴーストオブツシマ】初見プレイ#8 技や防具も集めたいんだけど…やること多いって!【緑魔キャロライン】

【ゴーストオブツシマ】初見プレイ#8 技や防具も集めたいんだけど…やること多いって!【緑魔キャロライン】

by Pokemon Charts



Midorima Caroline, Texas’ runaway locomotive!

There are no restrictions in the chat section.
・Don’t tell lies that betray people’s goodwill and favor
・Put your life first
・Follow the rules of other channels and do not cause trouble
・Respect and do not interfere with the enjoyment of other listeners
・All listeners are equal, and there is no reason to leave here because of someone’s words and actions.
Please do not forget this. The rest is up to you.

If there is something, I will pay attention to the relevant person each time, so it is OK if you understand and cooperate.
Only if there is no will or prospect of improvement, you will be expelled.
If you make a lot of comments that have problems with the progress of the distribution, you may be silently timed out by the management.
You can return to normal after 10 minutes of cooling your head.

I’m Midorima Caroline, Texas’s runaway locomotive!
I only speak Japanese, but I use Google Translate. You can use any language in the chat field.There are also many overseas listeners here!

あいさつを無視されたら泣き叫んで暴れていいです。(I can hardly read the comments in the song and collaboration)
I can’t read all of the chat. Don’t give up and chat a lot!
If your greeting is ignored, it’s okay to cry and rage.

Membership gifts may be distributed, so please turn on the gift receiving setting!
We welcome your acceptance of gifts, but please do not solicit or imply distribution.
Each listener decides how to spend the money.

Don’t try to change me to your liking or come tell me why you’re leaving.
You can come back here whenever you want.
Priority will always be given only to those who think this is a good place.

This stream cares about its peers, so it may take some courage for outsiders to join. But once you get past it, it’s a lot of fun.




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1 comment

@jack_drunker_ 2024-07-28 - 4:06 pm

0:01:12 番宣

0:01:55 挨拶

0:02:41 開始(鎧の鍵集め)

0:15:50 落馬

0:23:08 大浜の漁村

0:27:52 浮世草 大浜の漁村 了

0:30:19 野盗

0:32:10 集落

0:43:51 浮世草 矢形の集落 了

0:45:39 集落

0:52:02 浮世草 鶏知の漁村 了

0:53:45 久田の集落

1:04:17 浮世草 久田の集落 了

1:08:15 蒙古兵

1:08:50 火筒

1:10:22 小清水の集落

1:13:09 走れ仁

1:15:47 やだやだやだ

1:19:51 仲間割れする仲間がいない

1:20:21 馬呼んじゃった

1:21:44 浮世草 小清水の集落 了

1:26:58 投身

1:34:25 鑓川の稽古台

1:42:28 怖いのか~?

1:43:01 浮世草 出来心

1:47:26 浮世草 貸しと借り

1:55:34 誰が誰だ

1:57:18 浮世草 貸しと借り 了

1:59:57 勝負 大波浜の戦い

2:02:51 迷子

2:08:45 痛い!!

2:11:17 浮世草 弓と道

2:24:13 石川先生!!

2:25:09 浮世草 弓と道 了

2:30:43 浮世草 盗人

2:33:42 仁の不思議な動き

2:45:02 政子殿と舞

2:47:06 浮世草 盗人 了

2:49:59 ED

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