Home » Pokémon » 【FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEY】fuzzy pickaxes for all 🐾【MOCOCO POV】

【FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEY】fuzzy pickaxes for all 🐾【MOCOCO POV】

by Pokemon Charts

help us learn how to minecraft ✨
lovely illustration by @_hinatahirune 💕
Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms).

(∪・ω・∪ ♡::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪)

#FUWAMOCO (Streams 配信)
#FWMCpix (Fanart 絵)
#helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A リクエスト/素材/Q&A用)
#lilFWMC (Clips 切り抜き)
#FWMCbeats (Music 音楽)
#FWMCwww (Memes ミーム)
#FWMCMORNING (Variety Show バラエティ番組)


BGM: solfa
Opening: pre_sktch
Stinger: コールスローイ
Ending: saru 沙流

≪(∪・ω・∪ ♡::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪)≫


・Be nice to other viewers and treat everyone with respect! Let’s make a loving community! ♡
・All forms of hate, discrimination, harassment, and trolling are not permitted.
・Don’t bring up other channels or streams unless they are mentioned by FUWAMOCO.
・No spoilers please, but feel free to give advice when asked!
・Please limit comments unrelated to FUWAMOCO or spam so that we can read your comments!
・Chat prior to the start of the stream is fine as long as it’s related to the stream.
・Most importantly, have fun!! We need your smile to protect! BAU BAU!! 🐾


・SCs are generally read at the end of the stream but may not be depending on FUWAMOCO’s schedule!
・Orange SCs: your name read out + a BAU BAU! ♡
・Pink and Red SCs: read out on stream! ♡
・Any other SCs are read by FUWAMOCO after the stream! ♡
・Please understand that all SCs are reviewed by Mane-chan and some may not be read out depending on the content!

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Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video
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@MRCTechOne 2024-06-16 - 5:14 am


@Psynek0 2024-06-16 - 5:14 am

Thank you for the fuzzy stream! You made good progress and you're skills and bravery exploring the mines is getting better!

@Aeon0 2024-06-16 - 5:19 am

(Sorry this took me so long to write)
Love you two!
Today was a lot of fun, as always
I… don't really know why, but today in general, I just want you two to know that I appreciate you both and everything you do a lot, okay?
Like… a ton!
I'll always be grateful, and I'll never take our time together for granted, and I won't ever leave you either
"Thank you" instead of "Sorry" right?

Today was fun, though! I believe you can get that redstone next time! Lots of improvements today, too!
Love you two, always will

@RitsuAbyssgard 2024-06-16 - 5:19 am

Broken Microwave!!!

@feherdaniel2010 2024-06-16 - 5:20 am

Thank you for the stream! I felt so proud when you defeated that Pillager while utilizing your shield well!
Hope your sniffer is okay

@Wuffian 2024-06-16 - 5:20 am

Doing good Hero Mococo! Those baddies don't stand a chance

@kayajin01 2024-06-16 - 5:24 am


@Wicho4568 2024-06-16 - 5:28 am

Thank you today Moco-chan!

@khoonkitlim5963 2024-06-16 - 5:31 am

Thank you for the fun Minecraft collaboration and fun chit chat stream and with big twin sis Fuwawa, Moco-chan!

@Murasaki_Taiyou 2024-06-16 - 5:42 am

Thank you for the stream!

You did a good job of mining a lot! The fight against a new enemy was also great!

@nintendoss1 2024-06-16 - 6:22 am

Thank you for the Fuzzy Minecraft stream Mococo!

You did really well today!

We did the mining and crafting in minecraft!!
Now that we have Iron, we can craft better armor!
Bless you for the 9 sneezes Mococo!

@TheNumber4_ 2024-06-16 - 6:25 am

broken MicroWave

Thank you for the Minecraft stream my fuzzy love it was so much fun I had an absolute blast! I also want to tell you you are getting so much better at combat all you need is to get the timing right I'm sure there's a guide in the help#. Also Here's some stuff I want to talk about if that's okay! 42:50 This happens to me all the time when I make torches major tip don't touch shift while you click something I know you already know but its hard too miss sometimes . 1:24:07 okay I'm going to explain milk in this so you could pass this information to fuwawa that would be great (or just keep it to yourself ) so whenever you kill these pillagers with the banner you get a debuff called exiled. Basically if you go to a village with this debuff 3 or 5 waves of strong enemies spawn and try and raid the village. This is where milk comes in milk cures all debuff and poison including this one.while you won't use milk often it's Important so just keep it in the base for now. Also the cow can be milked infinitely. I think that's it thanks again for the stream I absolutely love these streams so I will always appreciate them. Love you mococo and see ya next time.

A message two both of you (it's super chat stuff and schedule). 2:17:00 I've already told ya in a previous comment but I really do want to apologize I will probably be able to make some of the streams on 21 Friday-next Monday 24 but I there will be a lot I miss the vacation was planned two months in advance sorry. But I do want to say these words 3:41:21 make me feel so much better thank you (I will leave comments on anything I miss) alright thats it love you two bsu bye see y'all next time

@DestroyAlpha 2024-06-16 - 6:43 am

Venturing deeper into the mines, making lots of stairs for easier access and placing torches all over both above and below ground to not get lost while adventuring!!

Slowly but surely conquering the caves of Minecraft!! We'll get all the hidden shiny loot next time!!

Thank you Mococo for the POV!!

And thank you both for the fun and comfy minecraft and chat together!! The megaphone and FuwawaDX were hilarious, I wonder how Mococo would sound with the effects if you can get them to work for both lol

@killercart 2024-06-16 - 6:50 am

Good work on your improvement when it comes to MC skills with the stairs and so on. Thanks for the fuzzy POV, Mococo.

@spinosaurs.legend.dinosaur 2024-06-16 - 7:31 am


@BAUBAUMurin-rg1jw 2024-06-16 - 8:17 am

MOCOCOちゃん❣️Minecraftの配信お疲れ様❣️😊今日もMinecraftでFUWAWAちゃんと楽しく作業してるのを見てて…🩷CUTE🩷で癒されました❣️🥰NEW Scheduleも楽しい配信が盛り沢山で今から楽しみ❣️😆今日も楽しい配信をありがとう❣️😊ゆっくり休んでねー❣️😄

@zehellyerfeg1502 2024-06-16 - 8:20 am

thanks for the fuzzy stream

@Meanwhile- 2024-06-16 - 8:32 am

My smile: Protected.
Cave: No match for Demon Guard Dogs.

@verbum01 2024-06-16 - 8:52 am

I find it funny to watch other people get jumpscared

@silverleaf05 2024-06-16 - 8:56 am


@Fatalis3000 2024-06-16 - 10:19 am


@Falken-jy2gh 2024-06-16 - 10:53 am

Moco-chan the Hero!
Thank you for the stream!

Day 130 of me hoping that one day FWMC can try out Ace Combat series, even if it's off stream.

In summary, it's basically "Metal Gear with planes" in terms of lore

AC7 should be easiest to get permission for, although the PS2 Trilogy (4,5,0) are the best & preferred ones but it might be hard to get the permissions for those.
Then again, I don't know if FWMC still have their PS2 now after moving to japan

@Felix2c 2024-06-16 - 11:59 am

I love that Fuwawa ask Mogojam to drink some milk to remove the curse. It seems like Fuwawa was taking care of Mogojam and handing over a cup of milk or water. So lovely lol

@DatWun999 2024-06-16 - 12:21 pm

What a cute adventure! That was too adorable!

@pogihaza20 2024-06-16 - 12:28 pm

evil fuwawa

@fortruthandjustice1213 2024-06-16 - 2:38 pm

I wish to address a possible misunderstanding: I Love FUWAMOCO! Not just Fuwawa, not just Mococo, I love FUWAMOCO!!!!! Got it memorized?

@asuca_as 2024-06-16 - 4:24 pm

Thank you Mococo Pov !! watch end archive!
Your exploration skills have improved and you had another good Minecraft trip!
We look forward to seeing you two on your next trip!
FUWAMOCORD is Broken Microwave!

@user-vg8kb8ff4s 2024-06-16 - 4:40 pm


@luluwuiza 2024-06-16 - 7:21 pm

The live starts at 5:09

@luluwuiza 2024-06-16 - 8:06 pm

There's no such a thing as "too much torches", Moko-chan !!!

@mysticruin6043 2024-06-16 - 9:28 pm

Fuwawa's true voice was finally revealed…

@JCH979 2024-06-17 - 8:17 am

thank you for a fun stream and good job on the progress! things sure have been busy, had to sacrifice a bit of sleep time to get to this vod. next schedule is just starting and im already behind another vod but i'll do my best to catch up when i can! just a few more hours till fwmc morning 100!! it'll have to be another vod for me because of work but i'll watch as soon as i get home. also looking forward to the hololive city '24 stuff even though i don't know what it is, hopefully the merch will be available to overseas peeps.BROKEN MICROWAVE

@MrCreepjo 2024-06-17 - 9:37 am

Gyaru mococo

@Falken-jy2gh 2024-06-17 - 10:50 am

4 hours until FWMCMorning episode 100!

Day 131 of me hoping that one day FWMC can try out Ace Combat series, even if it's off stream.

In summary, it's basically "Metal Gear with planes" in terms of lore

AC7 should be easiest to get permission for, although the PS2 Trilogy (4,5,0) are the best & preferred ones but it might be hard to get the permissions for those.
Then again, I don't know if FWMC still have their PS2 now after moving to japan

@alphamodeactivated 2024-06-18 - 6:19 am

Thank you for the stream! I hope you had fun!

@BearSealFactory 2024-06-19 - 6:38 am

I'm seriously loving these dual Minecraft streams. I hope you enjoy the game and keep playing as I always look forward to these.

@matthewdeleon382 2024-06-26 - 1:25 am

Year of the bau bau.

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