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【ポケモン】ドーブル x サーナイト | スケッチ | #ポケモン

by Pokemon Charts

Cute Smeargle records the most beautiful moments
Gardevoir and Ralts are so cute

#サーナイト #ドーブル #ポケモン

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@jeseongkwon2922 2024-06-25 - 5:05 am

Oh..? Reuploaded…? That adorable video and comments are deleted..? :,(

@Huysynhat 2024-06-25 - 5:46 am

I feel like you redownload your videos a lot, what's going on?

@comercole1940 2024-06-25 - 6:25 pm

Hahahahah so cute smeargle cant handle the cuteness of gardevouir.

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