Home » Pokémon » 【参加型】みんなでBPを集めまくるぞ!!【ポケモンSV 藍の円盤 初見さん大歓迎 ゲーム実況 クアンタ 男性VTuber】

【参加型】みんなでBPを集めまくるぞ!!【ポケモンSV 藍の円盤 初見さん大歓迎 ゲーム実況 クアンタ 男性VTuber】

by Pokemon Charts

やってきたぜ ブルーベリー学園



🔹Be respectful to other viewers including myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing (even speculations), etc. are not welcome here.
🔹If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments.
🔹No spoilers or backseat gaming unless I ask! Thank you!
🔹Talk about the stream, but do not bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations.
🔹Do not mention other streamers unless I mention them first. That includes mentioning me in other streams.
🔹Please note that we do not distribute super chat during collaboration.
🔹You can chat in any language as long as the rules above are followed.
🔹I think that there are various points that cannot be reached. I would appreciate it if you could kindly support me.

クアンタ 𓉚 Quanta 𓉜
💎Twitter : https://twitter.com/Quanta_vtuber
🔔Channel : ここ

Hashtag ➡ # クアンタイム
Fan Art ➡ # クアートン

#ポケモンsv  #個人vtuber
#男性vtuber  #ゲーム実況

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