Mid take, Azumarill is leagues better than Diggersby, and although there may be better water types and better fairy types, there's only one other water fairy that isnt a legendary and they both do different things, Azumarill is a great physical attacker with Huge Power and Primarina is a good special attacker with some good special defense
You forgot to add lucario on this ranking list
I hate you’re opinions on cinderace
Nah bro u mad, cinde is 1 place straight up
You really ranked azumarill like that TTOTT
Lopunny is so ugly 🤢
Igglypuff “ am I a joke to you?”
We all know why that god damn lopunny is first 💀
Bro you forgot about magearna
Mid take, Azumarill is leagues better than Diggersby, and although there may be better water types and better fairy types, there's only one other water fairy that isnt a legendary and they both do different things, Azumarill is a great physical attacker with Huge Power and Primarina is a good special attacker with some good special defense
Im unsubbing 💀
Your sus about lobunny
What about jigleepuff
His wife?
Azumarill is a rabbit not a mouse?
My one is scorbunny look at that thing how can you hate it
azumarill is a mouse
Lucario and lopunny are both l
I still dont know how you played sword and shield Inge and picked grookey and scorbunny
For goh ' cinderace '
For other people ' lopunny '
Fat pikablue was the MVP on my competitive team during XY.
Azumarill should’ve been second. I seriously don’t know why he ranked DIGGERSBY higher than azumarill.
My man put the pedophile rabbit over azumarill I’m in pain
Azu had the bellydrum/aqua jet Thang that was pretty potent, and cuter than all the other bunnies, Azu #1
People are so fucking weird with that rabbit
My man ranked Diggersby higher than Azulmarill..
bro where is eeveeeeeew
Can lopunny be a male or all Female?
Ain't no way Goddess Azu is at the bottom of the list 💀
Lopunny we get but did we really forgot about lucario???? I mean his kinda a bunny right? Obv for me number 1
U forgot to Say april fools😉
I think pikachu is also Rabbit
Ranking every ninja
His power is huge… I see what you did there 😂
Azumarill bodies this whole list.
I want for scorebunny
They all suck except lopunny