Home » Pokémon » Basically Simipour [POKEDEX 516, Gen 5] Facts/Trivia

Basically Simipour [POKEDEX 516, Gen 5] Facts/Trivia

by Pokemon Charts

Facts about Simipour.
*To be updated soon*.

Music is from Pokemon Black and White.

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The Animator 397 2022-01-12 - 10:22 am

Sup dude

Eric 2022-01-18 - 12:26 am

Fun facts: Simipour represent the monkey of "No see evil", Simipour is the only water type non starter to have the ability "Torrent", In Unova horoscope it represents the Aquarius sign, Simipour official game artwork previously showed its entire tail to be completely blue instead of tan with a blue tip and It is in Untiered with a few nieches on PU

My opinion: Easily the least bad Simi Mon, 5/10 because it is weird

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